We are so fortunate to have several wonderful (even historic) Farmers Markets throughout the metropolitan area. What a terrific way to purchase produce on a budget and support your local farmers.
Soulard Farmer's Market (St. Louis City): After 230 years, this Farmer's Market is like few you've ever seen. Robust with history, produce, flowers, meats and spices, this is a MUST VISIT.
Wednesday-Friday 8am-5p, Saturday 6a-5p
Kirkwood Farmer's Market: This market is seasonal. Here are their house:
Hours of Operation April 4 - September 26
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday hours vary by vendor.
October Hours of Operation
Pumpkin Patch open daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
For more information contact Summit Farms 314-984-9496.
November-December Hours of Operation
Christmas Market open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
For more information contact Summit Farms 314-984-9496.
Here are 3 other Farmer's Markets that are seasonal with web sites for more inquiries and details.
Ferguson Farmer's Market www.fergusonfarmersmarket.com
Saturdays, April - November 8am - Noon 20 S. Florissant, 63135
at the Victorian Plaza
just south of the train trestle
St. Charles Lions Club Farmer's Market (No web site available) Riverfront, downtown St. Charles.
Farmington Farmer's Market (No web site available) VFW Parking Lot on Barsch Blvd.