If yesterday's blog inspired you to consider protesting excessive oil consumption in your Birthday Suit, I thought "Why not make this an excuse to travel!". Take a trip, get away, relax and let it all hang out for a good cause.
Bike naked in other cities...other countries. Great stories to share with the kids and the grandkids some day. Of course, you may want to keep the photos away from those that are underage.
So, make your politcal statement and travel. Here are a few places to consider for your next vacation destination
http://www.worldnakedbikeride.org/ (the official web site)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Naked_Bike_Ride (Wikipedia - Find out the history)
http://bicycling.about.com/b/2008/06/16/world-naked-bike-ride.htm (About.com - additional history)
http://chicago.worldnakedbikeride.org/ -- Chicago, IL (every June, Sorry, you'll have to wait until next year!)
http://nakedwiki.org/index.php?title=Seattle (Seattle, WA)
http://sanfrancisco.worldnakedbikeride.org/ (San Francisco...naked at the City by the Bay)
http://australia.worldnakedbikeride.org/ (Australia, coming up October 18, 2008 - Great excuse to travel Down Under)
http://globalvoicesonline.org/2008/06/15/brazil-world-not-naked-bike-ride/ (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
http://wx.toronto.ca/inter/uds/cyclingcal.nsf/6acdf59a8ffbfd49852573e500519868/a1ff02a6fe5a448685257417005b7843?OpenDocument (Toronto)
WARNING: Video content of naked bike riders. If you believe this protest will offend you, do not click on the links below.
http://www.travelistic.com/video/show/9711/World-Naked-Bike-Ride (video of riders in Boulder, CO)
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=eec_1213625161 (Video of riders in London)
Have fun with your nakedness!