On Sunday afternoon, I was showing a foreclosure. As my clients and I walked up to the home, we were greated by a sweet cat (about a year old) on the front porch. She was weak and emaciated. Fortunately, my clients love animals too, so we didn't hesitate to take the cat with. Annie (as in the little orphan) was given a clean bill of health from the vet on Monday and will take refuge at our home as a result of the shelters being over populated. A sick, weak cat will never survive.

On Sunday evening, as I was leaving a listing appointment, I came across a gorgeous (and very cold) black lab. He was without a color, thin and getting weaker by the minute as he had been out for over a week as my sellers had noticed. They just assumed the dog was a neighbor's, but no one stopped to help the dog...even considering the very cold weather we have been experiencing. The dog was dehydrated and starving. I had my clients put the dog in their garage and provide food/water for the evening.
The lab was taken to the vet on Monday morning. He was healthy and ended up at the Humane Society that afternoon. The owners will have 7 days to claim their dog, less time than the dog was left out in the cold. This puppy will surely be adopted as he was sweet, healthy, responded to commands and is a popular breed.
NEITHER of these animals had a micro chip.
As the economy struggles and people lose their homes, more and more animals are losing their homes. Do your part and have a heart. Help those that cannot help themselves...those who cannot speak for themselves.
I certainly didn't need to add a 6th animal to my household, but would NEVER consider letting this cat die. Another day and Annie surely would have been a goner. She is very weak, but in a short 2 days, she has begun regaining her strength.
My actions earned a life long client. Doing the right thing always pays in the end.